Tweet Museum Illustrates Dumb Celebrity Ramblings

by LIZ JENEAULT · March 30, 2010

    Odessa Begay, Illustrator and craft beer enthusiast, has provided the Twittersphere with a new realm of art: Illustrated celebrity Tweets. Her site, Museum Of Modern Tweets, dethrones celebrities by playing off their idiosyncrasies.


    On December 7, 2009, Ryan Seacrest Tweeted:

    "Please return my dog carrie underwood."

    Fast forward five weeks, and Ryan's Tweet has resurfaced.

    An image of an in-tears-Ryan has come to bite him in the ass. The background?--Fliers of Carrie Underwood depicted as a puppy (which may be accurate). The illustrated image graced the Museum of Modern Tweets website. It was Odessa Begay's first post--the NYU graduate and freelance photo editor  had created the image with Adobe Illustrator.

    The website has become the newest twitter obsession. Sites such as Celebrity Tweet, Secret Tweet, and have made their mark before, however, none are like Odessa's.

    Odessa felt intrigued by the "larger than life" perception of celebrities. Twitter, in fact, dethrones this portrayal, by revealing a more "normal and boring" side of celebrity's lives. Odessa shared her feelings with regard to this topic:

    "I Just think its funny to imagine it differently."

    Unfortunately, stars whom Odessa have illustrated have yet to respond to her images. However, the site has grabbed the attention of a countless number of Tweeters and Tumblr-ers. Odessa graces the site with a new image every Tuesday (that's today).

    In order to suggest a Stars' tweet for Odessa to illustrate, shoot her an email here.

    Courtney Love may or may not be the most hilarious person on Twitter (funny thing is, she doesn't try to be). This specific tweet even earned Miss Courtney a lawsuit (the tweet was an attack against a certain fashion designer). We can seemingly picture Courtney in such a state...crawling about her wardrobe and worshiping the demon-gods-of-clothing...looks like Odessa illustrated well!

    Martha Stewart's tweets must have been a gold mine for the Tweet Museum...

    [All photos via Tweet Museum]