Drinking For A Cause: The Pro Mujer Junior Committee Fundraiser

by ERIC UGLAND · November 16, 2009

    Go here for more photos by Dylan Armajani and tag yourself and your friends!

    On Friday the Pro Mujer Junior Committee threw an incredible fundraiser at the Bowery Hotel.

    As always, parties are made so much better when there's an open bar and a cause behind the carousing, and this soiree was no different.-

    Jose Cuervo, Stoli and Dos Equis sponsored an open bar, but, in my humble opinion, one of the best party ideas, a frost your own cupcake table, seemed to be a highlight of the event.

    Pro Mujer provides Latin America's poorest women with the means to build livelihoods for themselves and futures for their families through micro finance, business training and health care support.