Daily Style Phile: Cindy Gallop

by SUSANNAH LONG · May 18, 2010

    Cindy Gallop is a renaissance woman: she's a business consultant, a branding coach, an art connoisseur, and a crusader to dispel porn myths. As her last name suggests, she's high-powered and fast-moving. She also has a wicked sense of style and a keen collector's eye . . . and she dates men in their 20s.




    [Photo via Cindy Gallup.]

    Those younger boyfriends are what inspired Cindy to launch Make Love Not Porn, a website that seeks to educate the porn-watching public about what not to do in their real-life bedrooms. Hint: Ask before gagging your partner with anything. Anything. Despite the website's hot pink background and bubbly graphics, Cindy' serious (but wry) about her cause; her TED talk is too graphic for the nonprofit to post with its regular slate of videos

    Cindy's views on both sex and business efficacy are rooted in confidence and energy, as The Selby's questionnaire shows:

    Ms. Gallop also possesses an ebullient sense of personal style to match her social passions. Her 3,500 square-foot apartment is the refurbished men's locker and shower room of the 23rd Street YMCA building, the location of Mr. Merrill and Mr. Lynch's fateful first meeting. Now it's Cindy's home-base when she isn't jet-setting to Shanghai and other points far distant.

    [Photo courtesy of TheSelby]

    The apartment is all-black ("It hides stains" Cindy tells  NYMag), and houses Cindy's 250-plus pairs of stilettos, her extensive art collection, her collection of erotic statuary, her small menagerie of taxidermied animals, and the substantial fruits of her Gucci- and YSL-addiction.

    Virtually every room in Cindy's apartment lends itself well to lounging.

    That's a raccoon.                          And that's a Gucci bike.

    [Photos courtesy of TheSelby]

    Oh, mes petites, it keeps getting better. There are no walls between the master bedroom and the bathroom. Notorious B.I.G's video for Nasty Girl, featuring P.Diddy, Usher, Pharrell, and Nelly was shot in the apartment. And Cindy's personal style runs very much toward molded leather bustiers (Gucci under Tom Ford is Cindy's forever favorite, "because he designed for strong, powerful, sexy, confident women," she tells The Selby).

    What does one use such an incredible bachelorette pad (and such a nicely bustier-ed bust) for? For dance parties!

    [Photo courtesy of Cindy Gallup.]