Daily Style Phile: UrbanDaddy's Randy Goldberg

by Cary Randolph Fuller · January 5, 2010

    I first met Randy Goldberg at a party celebrating L.L. Bean's Signature collection and am in awe. For the past two years Goldberg has set the bar for city living as Brand Manager at UrbanDaddy, the stylish gents' guide to food, fun, and culture, and mastermind behind last November's Pop Up Flea.

    Since nightlife is a big part of the UD brand, it should come as no surprise that Goldberg is an expert at crafting memorable and very, very fashionable events - namely his brand's recent holiday party at the Stephen Weiss studio - a blow-out featuring Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, not to mention caviar, a lavish dessert spread, and, of course, incredibly beautiful people. (View more photos of the party by Adam Schneider HERE.)

    Goldberg is also a driving force behind the current craze for American-made heritage brands that originated in Japan, picked up steam in New York, and is now sweeping across the country. In November he collaborated with Michael Williams of A Continuous Lean to create the Pop Up Flea, a men's fashion expo that brought together such designers as Rogues Gallery, Epaulet, Jack Spade, Billykirk, Mister Mort, and Gitman Brothers under one roof (and one prominently displayed American flag).

    When I last saw him at UrbanDaddy's holiday party Goldberg was decked out in a perfectly tailored dinner jacket, polka dot tie, and manners that would make my grandmother swoon (which should not suggest that he can't get rowdy as well). For men who stock their closets with the classics, who prefer their whiskey neat and their parties neater, thank Goldberg for setting the standard. This one will deliver big in 2010.