Consider His Kids

"I love kids, I turn into a kid whenever I'm around them! They're so much fun!" Ah, yeah, that's a sweet sentiment but pretty sophomoric considering the fact that you're not interviewing to be a babysitter. His kids are inevitably going to hate you. Doesn't matter how cool you are. Haven't you ever seen the movie "Stepmom?" 

And sure, maybe they're nice to you now, but trust, they're going to hate you later when they realize how much it fucked them up that their dad is dating someone young enough to be his daughter. Make sure his kids are either under 12 or over 25. Don't get us wrong, kids under 12 or over 25 will still detest you, but they'll probably hate you less than the hormonal cyclones that are high school and college aged kids. 

[Photo via @poloralphlauren]

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