Rick Perry

Rick Perry -Republican
What You Need To Know: Another front-runner and current governor of the state of Texas, Perry is Romney's biggest challenger in the GOP field. He does not believe that global warming is a real threat, thinks social security is a Ponzi scheme, and thinks that "[evolution] is a theory that's out there."  Perry mandated all girls entering the sixth grade be given the vaccine for HPV in Texas. He also says he will do a better job of creating jobs than Romney given both their records as governors. Factors which may influence his standing in the polls: He is a hard-liner Southerner who doesn't care about winning over middle-of-the-line voters. He lost the Florida Straw Poll, where he was the top contender, until Herman Cain snatched it out from underneath him. He was also a Democrat until 1989. Quote: "[Evolution] is a theory that's out there. It's got some gaps in it. In Texas, we teach both creationism and evolution in our public schools." We suppose the fact that evolution is not in the Bible is enough for him.
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