Gia Seo

Gia SeoGia: "I curated Thankyou to recognize four different types of people that without fail have been integral in shaping the way I view New York. There is Smurfo, a born and raised New York entity who is proud of his impressive world but quick to hide behind his medium. Fernando, a quiet curator of his own work, never too eager but always open to wreck havoc, even if casualties occur. There is Antwan who once told me "Fear is pretend, it has no substantial standing unless you pedestal it," a sentiment that is embodied in both his persona as well as his work. Then there is James, a brooding character with immense imagination written into his body language and displayed in his every day being. I am proud to present these four seemingly disparate personalities, all with their own unique mediums, together as a cohesive thank you."
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