Missed Connections + Hop Stop = Subway Crush!

by MADDY MADISON · April 17, 2008

    subway loveLovelorn glances and self-conscious shuffling aren't just the realm of match.com first dates. It's your morning commute!...assuming you had the foresight to throw on something other than your black "around the office" sweater and not stare vacantly down into the time-suck that is your iPod playlist. Look up! See that guy with the slightly douche-y faux hawk who more than redeems his hairstyle with a killer pair of boots and a copy of Love in the Time of Cholera. Good news: Now, you don't ever have to really put yourself out there. Risking ego and valuable time away from your crumpled copy of last week's New York is completely unnecessary! All human interaction can be boiled down to a few touch pad finger strokes on SubwayCrush.com.

    In a sleek, hybrid of Craigslist's missed connections and HopStop, Subway Crush lets you post a public, train-specific message-in-a-bottle in the hopes that the overly-coiffed, well-read guy on the C will get the hint. Granted, he may think you're kind of a wuss with intimacy issues by that point, or maybe just a cute, shy chick who couldn't muscle her way to his side the train by the time the doors closed. Whichever! Hey, it could happen.

    Subway Crush: "Because that's how you feel when they get off the train before you can say hi."