Facebook Status Report Roundup

by Rachelle Hruska · August 21, 2008

    devorah-rose2Devorah Rose is Gossip Girl. 42 seconds ago


    serena-merrimanSerena Merriman is the fat man hiding inside that blonde chick's body. about an hour ago


    paul-johnson-calderon3Paul Johnson Calderon is Hooter's with Alexa and Charlotte, then who knows...in bed semi early bc of shoot XxPJC. 2 hours ago

    brad-leinhardt1Brad Leinhardt is Izzzy GOLD in case there was any sort of confusion. 6 hours ago


    francesco3Francesco Civetta is SuperBad Izzy GOLD AND doesn't like Italian strangers peering in through the gates.. and is fearful of more to come with cameras... 7 hours ago

    wass-stevens2Wass Stevens is actually looking forward to his birthday. This has not always been the case. 11 hours ago
