Facebook Status Report Roundup

by Rachelle Hruska · September 17, 2008

    jessica-coenJessica Coen Can we all agree that openers on 90210 run way too long? If you don't blast the theme song in under 3 minutes, you lose me. about an hour ago - via Twitter

    stephanie weiStephanie Wei is at L mag nightlife awards at Touch (52 btw 8th and bway)! COME!!! xx. Updated via Facebook Mobile 3 hours ago


    nur-khanNur Khan knows there's a bad boy at a snooker table in London with a few hundred million new reasons to smile.. 6 hours ago

    scott-bucceitScott Buccheit thinks all the bitching, moaning, petitioning and groups need to stop. Facebook obviously does not care if we like new Facebook or not. 7 hours ago

    peter davisPeter Davis has no warrants out and no priors. 9 hours ago


    daviana-cattDavina Catt is at London Fashion Week. 11 hours ago


    tatiana plattTatiana Platt is New Yorkers for Children. 12 hours ago


    gillian-hearstGillian Hearst Simonds is doing research to help stop the San Francisco Zoo from being turned entirely into a rescue facility. 13 hours ago