Fashion Night Out...We Aren't Taking Lightly, And Neither Should You...

by SARAH MANDATO · September 3, 2009

    Besides the shock that September is upon us is the realization that Fashion's Night Out is only one week away! Are you prepared for the global celebration of fashion? The doors of the city's fashion destinations, be they hipster boutiques or couture castles, will stay open late into the evening of September 10th for everyone, no tickets needed and certainly no velvet rope in place. Make sure you've got your game plan before the night is upon us...

    We will be partnering with Cosmo magazine in an effort to bring you an inside look of the hottest parties during Fashion Night Out, and every night out throughout the week.  How can you prepare?

    Scope the list of participants. Get the iPhone app. Buy the t-shirt. Get excited for Fashion Week. Most importantly, remember that in these tough times it is especially important to support our local business. So, spend. It's bad, in a good way.