Fashionistas Become Jane's Addiction Fans For A Week

by Stanely Stuyvesant · September 12, 2008

    Jesse Malin, Butch Walker, Mick Rock, Danny Sage [Jesse Malin, Butch Walker, Mick Rock, Danny Sage. Photos by JIMI CELESTE for PMc]

    Each year when fall fashion week rolls around, so too does Jane's Addiction appear like clockwork. And on the same token, people in the fashion world all of a sudden become "fans" overnight. If you were to ask someone at the John Varvatos party (held at his store on Bowery, the old CBGB location Wednesday night where they played), why they like them, you were likely to get a response like "I dunno, I just do." Don't try asking them specifics about the band because they don't know. And whatever iota of information they might know about the band came from jogging their memory about that VH1 Behind The Music special they watched ages ago.

    Look, I like Jane's Addiction. And' there's nothing wrong with liking them. I'm just fascinated by how they have become the "cool" band in the fashion world. I'm not sure who or what anointed them, but it's definitely an interesting sociological experiment that deserves looking into.

    Chace Crawford, John VarvatosJohn Varvatos, Joyce VarvatosFrankie MunizPerry Farrell, Etty Farrell, Dave Navarro

    More story and photos below:

    Jesse Malin, Mick Rock Jesse Malin, Mick Rock

    But I digress. The show at the store was a hit with John Varvatos and Joyce Varvatos welcoming the likes of: Jesse Malin, Butch Walker, Mick Rock, Danny Sage, Perry Farrell, Etty Farrell, Dave Navarro, Chace Crawford, Frankie Muniz, Jesse Malin, Zoe Buckman, David Schwimmer, Peter Blachley, Eve Kakassy, Rick Edwards, and Dave Navarro.

    [John Varvatos Takes Over CBGB]

    Zoe Buckman, David Schwimmer, John Varvatos, Joyce Varvatos

    Zoe Buckman, David Schwimmer, John Varvatos, Joyce Varvatos

    Gia, Peter Blachley, Eve Kakassy

    Gia, Peter Blachley, Eve Kakassy

    Mick Rock, Rick Edwards

    Mick Rock, Rick Edwards

    John Varvatos, Dave Navarro, Joyce Varvatos

    John Varvatos, Dave Navarro, Joyce Varvatos
