"How The Other Half Hamptons" Book Launch Party At 1Oak

by Rachelle Hruska · June 25, 2008

    How the Other Half Hamptons book launch party

    Go HERE for more photos by Max Flatow.

    Do you think there were enough events going on last night? There was the opening reception for John Jaxheimer at Blue & Cream, the Chloe and Reese Trunk Show, The Gradient Magazine Launch Party at the W New York Downtown Hotel & Residences, The Art of Elysium Benefit at Milk Gallery, and finally, the launch party of Jasmin Rosemberg's first novel: "How the Other Half Haptons" at 1 Oak.

    I missed out on everything, and instead fell asleep on my couch watching Sunday's episode of Weeds. Thankfully, Doug, Eric, and Max covered some lost ground for me. And, from the looks of at least Max's photo journalism skills at 1Oak, I was missing out on all the fun...

    1oakjasmin rosemberg1oak

    Want more? Visit the Gallery.

    [Interview With Jasmin Rosemberg]