Lacosted Yet, But Not For Long...

by CLAIRE WILLETT · March 22, 2008

    lily pulitzer fans tend to travel in packs

    Spring break is winding down, and while we relished the reprieve from our grueling(ish) academic schedule, we have been experiencing major apple withdrawal. If we see one more H2, or the tennis-wizened Pulitzered women who love to double park them, we may spew venti chai chunks. Thursday night's nightmare involved alligator-adorned preteens and violent Vera Bradley bags. Life is tragic and absurd indeed. Thankfully we returned Friday, in just time to catch Chris Stills at Joe's Pub. We were eager to see if he can live up to his progenitor's folksy warblings. Plus today is International Pillow Fight Day in Union Square --we aim to tar ourselves in peanut butter first, and post-battle but pre-shower, flutter over to ABC Home to test out their vintage silk bedspreads. Care to join?