Tabitha Simmons Has Been Citi Biking Around Town In Heels!

by Christie Grimm · July 29, 2020

    Who would have thought there'd be a day in time when we all missed riding the subway?

    These past few months, rightfully fearful of any sort of public transportation, New Yorkers have realized the true caped hero of this pandemic: Citi Bikes. Honestly, they might even beat out Cuomo!

    I don't know about you, but I never even considered taking a Citi Bike anywhere, too overwhelmed at the idea of navigating a city full of people walking wherever they want to (myself shamelessly included), speedy cars trying to save themselves 5 seconds on their trip, and many streets sans bike lanes.

    But in this apocalypse? I'm all about it.

    For around two-ish months, I did not go anywhere above 14th and below Spring. And while that would normally be just fine with me, it was driving me absolutely crazy. Now, I'm a 14 minute ride / tan session (because I personally believe in treating any moment outdoors as an opportunity to work on your tan) to Central Park. Game changer!

    Similarly, looking at the Citi Bike stations around the city, it's hilarious how obvious the migration of Uptowners is on the weekends. Every dock up there is empty, and every dock in the West Village is full.

    As is always the case, one New Yorker in particular has set herself apart from the pack when it comes to her cycle style. Tabitha Simmons has been regularly sharing snaps of her rides, and she's not just dressed impeccably, she's dressed impressively. Girl has been sporting heels!

    I thought mastering the art of wearing a skirt or dress was tricky enough (pro tip: tuck the front part of your skirt under your butt so it doesn't blow up in the wind), but this is an inspiring level of physical talent! When rocking this lovely pink ensemble on a jaunt to the Apple Store, Tabitha was wearing these puppies. I call this look relatable Upper East Side.

    And to think that for months I've been wasting time feeling bad for myself at the current lack of occasions to bust out my favorite pumps! 

    I think we all need to recreate this below street style moment. 

    Hey - these shoes may not be made for biking, but that's just what they'll do!

    [Photos via]