Target: Helping Me "Score" Once Again

by Rachelle Hruska · July 28, 2008

    Go International for TargetTarget (or Tar-Jeh as my family calls it) can be a pretty groovy store if it's the right one (and not a Tar-ghetto)....Location has a lot to do with it, as does timing (when you go), but there have been numerous time where I have found amazing staples at prices that even the Hamptons' Super Saturday Tents can't compete with.  The dress I was wearing below on Plum TV is one such "bargain" and can be found at your local Target store (or, for us Manhattanites, HERE).

    It's the GO International® Kimono Dress in Ebonyand can be yours for only $34.99.  You should probably jazz it up a bit...with a belt perhaps? (I left the gold one I was planning on sporting over it at home)...and I would suggest wearing flats instead of heels, the hemline of this baby would guarantee you numerous "demerits" at Pius X highschool (the Catholic school I attended, with yes, the plaid uniforms), but dressed up or down, it's sure to be a safe bet.

    Though not your typical "Hampton-y dress" I thought it fit in well with the SCOPE Hampton Art Field.  And, I won't ever call myself a fashion expert, but I feel like the "thank yous" should be in order for this one. SCORE! (p.s. Girls actually say things like "SCORE" out loud after finding deals like this).

    Now, who wants to start the petition for Target to open a store in Manhattan?  It's actually beyond ridiculous at this point.