The Green Scene: Guests Enjoy Solar One's "Revelry By The River"

by PERRINE MEISTRELL · June 3, 2009

    [Ashley Wilcox Platt, Lauren Remington Platt, Matthew Modine, Paul Dupont, Kick Kennedy. All photos by CLINT SPAULDING for PMc] Last night Co-Chairs Hartley DuPont, Matthew Modine, Kick Kennedy, and HSBC hosted an fundraiser, on the East River, in preparation for the ground breaking of the new Solar 2 Green Energy, Arts, and Education Center. The center will be the first Platinum LEEDS certified, net zero energy building in New York, generating more energy than it consumes from its own clean renewable resource - the solar array on its' roof.  Environmental enthusiasts including George Pataki, Brooke Shields, our friends Simon Van Kempen and Alex McCord (b.k.a.  Silex, and once again showing off their dance moves), Lauren Remington Platt, Lake Bell, Paul Dupont, Blaire Husain, Carol Higgins Clark, and many more came out in support of the green cause.

    Simon Van Kempen, Alex McCord

    Ashley Wilcox Platt, Paul Dupont, Lauren Remington Platt

    Matthew Modine, George Pataki, Lake Bell

    Spencer Biddle Millius, Hadley Nagel, Kick Kennedy, Tom Reilly

    Matthew Modine, Kick Kennedy, Matthew Pruno, Ruby Modine

    Stephen Fealy, Kristen Fealy, Thor Thors, Melissa Thors

    Matthew Modine, Brooke Shields, Alex McCord

    Julia Haxhitasi, Matthew Modine, Adele Nino, Peter Millius

    Brooke Block, Lake Bell, Blair Husain, Simone Mailman

    Sarah Bradford, Christine Schott, Kick Kennedy

    Image in Lightbox