Beyoncé Makes Vogue History By Hiring The First Black Photographer To Shoot The Cover...Ever

by Tyler Harris · July 31, 2018

    If all those rumors about Anna Wintour's retirement were true, could Beyoncé be the mag's next EIC?

    Probably not, but Bey's already proving her prowess as an editrix. The September issue cover star reportedly had complete control over her photos and captions (which she wrote herself) - which is all totally unprecedented. Additionally, she hired the first-ever black photographer to shoot the cover. Yes, EVER.

    First of all, it's crazy that Vogue has never had a cover photo shot by a black photographer in over 125 years. Thanks to Queen B, who we still think should run for president (alongside Michelle Obama), that is finally changing. (But still, WTF?)

    And if that wasn't groundbreaking enough, the photographer handpicked by the icon is just 23 years old. Tyler Mitchell, who has been making quite a name for himself since graduating NYU, has worked with Marc Jacobs and Converse, and is known for spotlighting black youth culture. He told the New York Times, "I depict black people and people of color in a really real and pure way. There is an honest gaze to my photos."

    We cannot wait to see him take on Beyoncé.

    [Photo via @beyonce]