Chandon's Sparkling Rosé Doughnuts Are A Must-Try

by Stephanie Maida · June 6, 2018

    If you're a proud basic who trades her autumn pumpkin spice lattes for bottles of rosé come summer, we've got some major news.

    In honor of National Rosé Day this Saturday, June 9th, Chandon California has teamed up with NYC favorite, The Doughnut Project, to create a sparkling pink dessert pretty much made for the 'gram. Dubbed, appropriately enough, the ChanDONUT, the boozy treat consists of rosé-hued dough and Chandon Rosé cream filling, glaze and butter cream, all topped off with gold dust and edible rose petals.

    The limited edition treat will only be available at The Doughnut Project from Friday, June 8th through Sunday, June 10th. Reason enough to pop open a bottle while you're at it.

    [Photo courtesy Chandon]