Explore New York's Street Food With 'Eat The Streets' Tour

by Sam Bobley · June 14, 2012

    New York's eclectic population of immigrants translates to an array of diverse, delicious delicacies from around the world. 'Eat The Street Tours' allows New Yorker's to experience the full spectrum of ethnic cuisines on a three hour guided tour. The tour, which costs $79, departs from Grand Central Station and journeys deep into the land of two-man food carts freshly preparing traditional dishes from their respective homelands.

    [Photo via]

    Many of the food carts represent not only fine cooking, but more importantly, an opportunity for immigrants to send their children to college. Monica Gonzalez, 34, was able to send her oldest son to NYU to pursue a science degree using the revenue from her family's quesadilla cart.

    The tours encompass all types of food, from Mexican tacos legua y oreja, which are filled with pig ears and cow tongue, to Tibetan dumplings, to Uruguayan desserts. Not only do the tours leave you full with food, but also full with a sense of the history and development of bustling immigrant communities tucked away in NYC.

    Eat The Street tours, which debuted in May, give you something that reading a guidebook simply doesn't. See for yourself, by booking a trip with Street Wise New York.