Scarlett Johansson Dishes On Her Favorite NYC Pizza Spots

by Guest of A Guest · June 22, 2021

    For the past few years, Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost have been one of the city's most beloved power couples. After all, who doesn't love a fairy tale love story starring two life-long New Yorkers?

    But every fairy tale has its issues. During a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Scarlett was pressed as to whether she and Colin ever argue over where has the best pizza in New York. In true Manhattanite style, the screen star stood her ground.

    "Oh, yeah, well, you know Colin is from Staten Island, so that means something. You know, he's very specific about his slice. He'll definitely tell you the best slice is in Staten Island." 

    "I respect that. I respectfully disagree. I am from Manhattan - and are you asking where my favorite slice is from? I got to say by the slice, I really love Joe's Pizza. I would say for a whole pie though, I got to go with Lombardi's. I love Lombardi's."

    Slice versus pie!? 

    Now that's next level pizza dedication!

    [Photos via SNL, @iloveny]