Micah Jesse Eyebrows Are Hypnotic

by Stanely Stuyvesant · January 22, 2008

    micah jesse with Jason Preston and Leven Rambin

    One of these things is not like the other....

    An avid gofg reader sent us this picture of their "friend" Micah Jesse, posing at Stanton Social with on-again-off-again boy toy to Marc Jacobs, Jason Preston, and one of our favorite little up-and-comers, Leven Rambin. Okay, so we "get" Jason and Leven in this picture, but for the life of us, we can't grasp what Micah was doing there. Sorry, but is this guy really still around? We haven't heard anything about him in ages, and upon checking out his blog today, thought that his social calendar would, as suspected, still consist of grade-D parties at Touch, Marquee, Guest House, and maybe the occasional trips south to the Delano. We are assuming that either this photo is old, or that Micah somehow used his perfectly defined eyebrows to hypnotize these two into taking pictures with him.