The New Boyfriend

The New Boyfriend
So you like him, for now at least. Give him something he'll definitely enjoy and maybe help him develop his palate with Beer of the Month Club membership.  Think about it this way, if you're going to get him something and it's only been say, 3 or 4 months, why not gift him something you can both enjoy together? It may even prompt him to stop drinking that disgusting Manwieser and be a little more refined. Beer of the Month Club Memberships: Our Original Microbrewed Beer Club[$22.95] Members receive twelve, 12-oz. beers from two different lightly distributed U.S. Microbreweries. Each shipment includes four different beer styles, three bottles of each style and their monthly newsletter. The International Domestic Variety Beer Club -[$28.95] For those that appreciate creations from abroad as well as from local brew masters, their most popular club offers twelve, 12-oz. beers from two different lightly distributed U.S. and two different international breweries! Each shipment includes four different beer styles, three bottles of two different domestic beers and three bottles of two different international beers. The International Beer Club -[$32.95] For those whose tastes favor imports only, members receive twelve, 12-oz. beers from two different international breweries. Each shipment includes two different beer styles, six bottles of each style and our monthly newsletter. The Rare Beer Club- This club features is so special that it had different kinds of membership. It offers the finest of beers- limited-release, celebratory, artisanal beers.Members get two different selections of beer each month in 750 ml bottles, often corked (you know it's awesome when its corked), and some individually tissue wrapped. Fancy, huh? Plus, many of the beer are pushing the envelope of creativity and aren't distributed in the US. The Rare Beer Club Memberships: Two 750 ml Bottles Per Month, one bottle of each featured beer. [$31.95 per month] Four 750 ml Bottles Per Month, two bottles of each featured beer. [$51.95 per month] Six 750 ml Bottles Per Month, three bottles of each featured beer. [$68.95 per month] Go HERE to purchase a Beer of the Month Club Membership.
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