Do you have any items in your wardrobe that you can't live without?

Do you have any items in your wardrobe that you can't live without? I wear pretty much the same staples everyday. It's funny that I'm wearing everything today [pictured here]. This skirt is a company called RIsto. It's from last fall. I'm obsessed. This vest  is from this company, Muzungu Sisters. It's Tatiana Santo Domingo. They basically go around the world and source unbelievable pieces from everywhere. This one's from India. I just love it. I think it's awesome. This also goes with my other answer - if you ever wear something that's a little too sexy, showy or just feel uncomfortable, you throw this vest on and it's oversized to balance everything out. These boots [Givenchy]. I got them for Christmas from my mom. She's amazing. My red lipstick from Mac. I have two. I have Lady Danger and Russian Roulette. They're both amazing. And this bracelet I wear everyday. Aurelie Bidermann, the jewelry designer, made this a long time ago. I wear it everyday and every single person in the world is obsessed with it. She discontinued it and I finally convinced her, after like a year, to remold it and redo it. So we're gonna have it in the store in a few weeks in a limited run.
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