So Adam has a background in marketing and Cyndi has experience in brand development and events—what were you guys up to before (or in addition to) launching The Eclective?

So Adam has a background in marketing and Cyndi has experience in brand development and events—what were you guys up to before (or in addition to) launching The Eclective? Adam Fulton: After graduating from Stern Business School, I knew I had a passion and fire for starting my own business. I knew I wanted the freedom and excitement that came with entrepreneurship. During school, I worked in nightlife promotions which continued after graduation. Despite the sometimes negative stigma that comes with the industry, it provided me with a lot of positives. The first being the free days and income to start my marketing agency, New Standard, without worrying about failure, and the second was the general concept for The Eclective. As a promoter who had daytime ties to brands and public relations companies, I was often contacted as a resource to help drive a particular crowd to a particular event. I always knew there was a business there—connecting downtown influencers, the elusive cool crowd, with brands and other marketing opportunities. It just took a few years for the right time to come around to actually get it off the ground. [Adam Fulton, Cyndi Ramirez]
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