We tried to really hard with everything to pick stuff made out material that would wear really well.

“We tried to really hard with everything to pick stuff made out material that would wear really well. So the chairs are only going to get better right? You definitely didn’t skimp on the furniture. "No. The one point we get a lot - and it comes in both positively and negatively - is that the rooms are pretty sparse – but our thing was; unless we really love it and it’s perfect, were not doing it." I like this room being sparse. I like that it feels clean. “We wanted to be able to basically hose everything down if we had to.” And I imagine you must have to sometimes? “The only time we’ve really had problems is with dogs. We are happy happy to have dogs. But dogs really love 200-year-old timber like on these beds." I love the beds! “The timber came out of this building. It went to a local mill to have all of the nails taken out and get cleaned up and then it went to a fabulous guy who’s name is Dave Hollier who’s workshop DHWWD is right here on Kent st and 11th.” That’s incredible!
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