I’m learning there’s three different people when it comes to mini bars

[Part of the snacks in the minibar.] Ah the mini bar – my specialty! Peter: “(laughing) Yes, I’m learning there’s three different people when it comes to mini bars: One like my father who is like “the devil is in there, don’t touch it.” The other are the kinds of people who want one bottle of water or a coca cola or just you know the necessities. And then there’s the kind that open everything, taste everything, and it ends up costing more than the room. That’s totally me! Peter: “And we love people like you!” And there’s an ice tray in a freezer?! That I don’t see in many mini bars! “They usually don’t do freezers in hotels, because it’s a real fridge.” I love that it feels like you’re at home! “So other than that there’s Brooklyn Radius beer, lots of things that Andrew’s chosen, they might be a little more interesting than what you might typically find. We don’t do room service so we are trying to get the minibar to be able to at least function as a real option for a midnight snack.”
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