“I think the hope is that in five years this will have shifted the landscape and conversation enough that it will have made itself unnecessary and we’ll be on something else."

There are so many different fields you can attack to try to help women, why did you guys choose this particular one? Rachel Sklar: "It chose us! I mean for me, this is something that I almost got dragged into kicking and screaming. In theory, I basically started doing this 2-3 years ago on the side while I was doing other stuff the whole time." And this year you met Gloria Steinem, one of the most well known modern feminists out there? Rachel: “Yes, I thanked her for all of her work and for inspiring me especially when things got hard. I told her I had watched her HBO documentary and just realized that these patterns are repeating themselves, I was experiencing so much of what she experienced and basically told her ‘It’s been really inspiring to have you especially because this can be really hard.’ And she said, ‘I know. The only thing harder is not doing it.’” In five years, what would you like to see this become? Glynnis MacNicol: “I think the hope is that in five years this will have shifted the landscape and conversation enough that it will have made itself unnecessary and we’ll be on something else." Rachel: “Calling it "a platform for awesome" is intentionally non-specific - we want to be a platform across different types of media, as well as amongst our membership and the larger community. We really do want this to be a platform for women to be seen, more so than they are in regular media organizations. It's definitely a rock that we push uphill.”
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