Book A Fondue Feast Inside Your Own Private Yurt... In The East Village?

by Christie Grimm · December 1, 2018

    Yes! For the love of all things holiday, seasonal, red, green, and cheery all over The Standard, East Village has unveiled its Winter Garden.

    No need to hike it up to Vermont to enjoy a Christmas magic moment in your personal tented rotunda fit for a modern day nomad. Just book an alpine yurt through Narcissa, and mentally prepare yourself to bask in the cheesy glory that is their Fondue Feast. Will it be a cauldron of Gruyere & Emmental, or a pot of straight-to-the-point Swiss? 

    Lactose and fun-intolerant? Who cares? Look at this place! It's like Narnia went glamping and the Romanovs stopped by for dessert!

    As if the thought of these shearling draped seats, buckets of melted cheese, and mugs of Hard Cider, Spiked Super Dark Chocolate, and Mulled Red Wine don't have you all hot and holiday bothered - we haven't even mentioned yet that this entire situation is situated within a grove of Christmas trees. 

    Shove your face, get a little tipsy, and buy a Frasier Fir bigger than your apartment. Heck, buy two trees you Scrooge - proceeds benefit the Lower East Side Girls Club. 

    Ah, the ultimate December evening...