Please Everyone, Stop Instagramming This Same Picture Of Karlie Kloss In The Snow

by Christie Grimm · March 14, 2017

    We actually used to like this photo of a swimsuit clad Kloss striking a pose in a decidedly non-swimsuit season Central Park.

    But after it has become the Instagram default photo du jour? Not so much.

    We understand. It's fashionable. It's playful. She's pretty. Not to mention this snowstorm really isn't the most photogenic situation to capture. 

    But please. Please. Resist the urge. Why not instead go for, say, a vintage photo of old snowy New York? Penguins huddled up trying to stay warm? A fuzzy photo of blurred snowflakes?

    Annie Leibovitz thanks you and so do we.

    [Photo via @bergdorfs]