Congrats on your second book, Psychos! Where can we expect this one to take us?

Lara Schoenhals: Well, we had been through Babe's whole life story in the first book so we started to think about what a second book could be. Do we want to tell just another book of short stories, or do we really want to move forward and see where Babe's life goes and tell kind of one long story? So we decided it would be better to just land with Babe right after rehab and follow the journey of the next year and a half of her life. We thought our readers would appreciate that because you know everything about her life leading up to this moment, and now we just want to take people through everything that they have yet to go through with her. I can't wait to read it! So what's your worst #WhiteGirlProblem? LS: Um, I have really big feet so I get recommended a lot to go to stores for drag queens. [Lara Schoenhals, David Oliver Cohen, Tanner Cohen]
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