Dascha Polanco

Dascha Polanco
What has been the biggest change for you since the huge success of Orange is the New Black? For me, it’s just the recognition. I mean, that’s not what I was thinking would happen. The reactions that I’m getting, everyone’s being so, so supportive and I love that people are really enjoying my work. Did you expect that much from a Netflix series? Well it’s new, but I was optimistic about it. There’s other successful ones like House of Cards and Arrested Development, so I was really optimistic. I think it gives viewers more freedom and it’s more accessible to everyone. You can watch it whenever you want, you know? What’s your favorite line of G-Shock new releases? I’m a G-Shock Mini kinda girl! What do you think it says about you when you’re rocking your G-Shock? Empowerment. I feel strong, tough—and that’s how I am! [Photo via] Matt McGorry, Dascha Polanco [Scene from Orange is the New Black: Dayanara Diaz {Polanco) with her boyfriend John Bennett (Matt McGorry).]
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