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Robert Verdi Fashion

Robert Verdi
First of all, tell what you’ve got going on with your knuckles right now. They are cast, porcelain knuckle cuffs! Made to look like brass knuckles. I’m wearing them like rings – I don’t even know why… When I got them, I knew they were supposed to be used as an object [pronounced objay] that you leave on the table, but ultimately I ordered them and I put them on and thought, how chic! I wish that they made me look tougher, but nothing could make me look tough. You know what? You don’t need tough. You’ve got chic – you don’t need tough. That’s great news. I’m going to quote YOU. And the sunglasses on your head, they’re of your own design? Yes – they’re named after my sister Anna. I wore them tonight because it makes it feel like she’s with me. She’s not DEAD, but you know – she’s not here.
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