MoMA's "Dial-a-Poem" Features Poems Read Aloud By Their Authors

by Georgia Bobley · May 31, 2012

    In 1969, John Giorno started a project which he called "Dial-a-Poem." Now, 43 years later, that project is being turned into an installation at MoMA. "Dial-a-Poem" features poems that will be read aloud by the person who wrote it. Visitors to the museum will simply pick up one of four telephones in the installation to hear works read by Frank O'Hara, William Burroughs, Deborah Harry, Allen Ginsberg and others.

    [Photo: John Giorno via]

    "Dial-a-Poem" will be part of an exhibition titled "Ecstatic Alphabet/Heaps of Language," which, according to the Huffington Post,

    "features artists who dismantled words from their meanings and traditions, allowing them to be purely seen and felt."

    If you can't make it to the exhibit you can call the "Dial-a-Poem" New York phone number (347-POET001) to hear a random poem, or you can visit the "Dial-a-Poem" website and listen there.

    The exhibition runs at MoMA until August 27. Click HERE for more info!

    [Photo via]