Where Are The "Joker" Steps In NYC?

by Stephanie Maida · October 15, 2019

    Yes, we saw Joker this weekend. It was fine. Since we're really not a website marketed towards Incels, we're not going to wax poetic about Joaquin Phoenix's dedicated performance or glorify the character's violent descent into madness. But, we will tell you where to snag an Instagram at one of the film's most notable locations: those steps!

    Everyone knows Gotham is based on New York City, and Todd Phillips' Joker was inspired by the rough streets of Manhattan in the '70s and '80s. The movie, as any New Yorker would have noticed, was filmed on-location throughout NYC and the surrounding Newark and Jersey City areas. Which means, of course, that you could visit the memorable steps, the ones despairingly walked up by Arthur Fleck and chillingly danced down by The Joker, in real life. You'll just have to take a trip up to The Bronx.

    The step passageway is wedged between two buildings on Shakespeare Avenue and West 167th Street, connecting to Anderson Avenue. Type 1170 Shakespeare Ave. into Google Maps and you'll be able to find them, not least of all because they've been labeled a "religious destination" by some Joker-loving jokesters.

    Whether you're a total nerd for New York movie locations or just need a really good backdrop for your creepy clown Halloween costume this year, you're welcome. But be warned, we're sure they'll be teeming with a bunch of weirdos and/or tourists before long.

    [Photo Warner Bros.]