Getting Ourselves Back To The Garden (Er, Train Station)

by CLAIRE WILLETT · April 18, 2008

    gandalf_murphy.jpg[Image via circlefolk]

    We readily admit we're not-apart from the canvas Whole Foods bags, which we love, all that eco-conscious. Or, to be fair, we're aware and still we sometimes throw away plastic. So when our roommate waxed hyper-enthusiastic over the upcoming Earth Week, we did some inward-blushing/outward-scoffing and moved the conversation to greenless pastures. But then we find out that, as an Earth Week kick-off, Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams is playing a free concert at Grand Central today. We know, their name does evoke some sort of awful baroque Polyphonic Spree meets Jefferson Airplane meets far too much of the Decemberists, but their sound is pure folk-rock, including the Dylanesque growls of lead singer Joziah Longo.

    Besides cleverly quotidian lyrics -- "We both ordered an espresso from the owners new machine, and as the jukebox played Nirvana he said 'ignorance is mean,' " the band boasts frequent accordion playing and the occasional cowbell. We hear they're killer live, and we aim to verify this tonight.

    Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams will go on at 4:40 pm

    Vanderbuilt Ave between 42 and 45 Sts