Meet The Press

by CLAIRE WILLETT · April 8, 2008

    the delanceyIf Modest Mouse had an even zanier little cousin, it'd sound somewhat like the Atlanta band The Press. Like its predecessor, The Press like their yowls light and their lyrics winsome, with a twist or two of quirk. What makes The Press stand out, however, is their knack for injecting rootsy and funk-pop elements, sometimes in the same song. Think Rock Lobster-style B-52's meets Dispatch meets folksy Ween. Nice, oui? Check them out tonight at the Delancey. They won't go on until 10:45, but we suggest getting there early, the better to throw back a few under the palm fronds of the sweet rooftop bar. Get there really early and you'll even have time for a prosciutto panini from nearby Falai Panetteria. Mmm, the fringe benefits of hipsterdom...

    The Delancey 768 Delancey St (btw Clinton and Attorney) 212.254.9920