The "Nerd Alert" Report...

by Rachelle Hruska · April 8, 2009

    Take a look at this "elecric razordouche" in his Chariot Wearable Transporter: Part Segway, Part Cyborg, Part UBER GEEK, this transporter allows humans to integrate the speed of an engine and the force of robotic steel onto their fragil human bodies. [Soup Soup]

    There's nothing we can think of that has gotten us more excited than this today: The Dork Yearbook. A new tumblr site devoted to the dorky personal pictures of its readers. [Dork Yearbook]

    Alarming Twitter Trend: Real-World Friends are actually joining? Apparently the answer is yes, and they seem to be using Twitter "a little differently than the Web 2.0 loudmouth-types...they seem to tweet less, and seem more likely to protect their tweets from strangers." [Business Insider]

    Today, Facebook welcomes it's 200 millionth user.  Zuck would like to take this moment in history to describe what this means to them.  Basically, they will not be stopping until the entire population is mapped out online is the gist of it. [Facebook Blog]

    Have you seen the BumpTop 3D Physics-Enabled Desktop that is now avialable? Going Multitouch for Windows 7. It's an extremely literal take on a desktop manager and is available free for download. [Gizmodo]

    America's Happiest Work Place? tells America how they are keeping the dotcom dream alive! The online shoe retailer has free food, on-site massages, and a life coach! They're paid to Twitter! [Valleywag] launches a free iPhone app today. It lets you look up definitions and synonyms from the site of more than 275,000 words. [Tech Crunch]