The Cornell Administration's Follow-Up Email To Friday's Steamy Email Scandal

by BILLY GRAY · November 9, 2009

    There are two things Cornell is known for: its hotel school and its alarmingly high suicide rate. So it's no surprise that in the wake of Friday's flagrant email scandal, the Johnson School administration is reaching out to shaken students who might otherwise take a long walk along Ithaca's many gorges. See below for the email itself and join us in hoping the dust upstate has settled for all involved parties...

    From: (Redacted) > Date: November 7, 2009 12:53:52 AM GMT+01:00 To: ~~EVERYBODY > Subject: Note to Community regarding inappropriate email

    To the Johnson School Community,

    Some of you received an inappropriate email this afternoon that was accidentally sent to one of our listserves. On behalf of the School, I would like to apologize for this error and ask you to discard this email.

    Some of you may be understandably upset about the content of the email and the context in which it was sent. If you need to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to contact (redacted)


    (Redacted) Human Resources Manager The Johnson School at Cornell University