A Perfect Match, Room Service Meets PM

by guestofaguest · January 15, 2008

    room service

    One of our favorite reader's Model Behavior shared this little tidbit of information with us:

    PS I heard PM’s getting bought by the owners of Room Service. Sad story.

    Yes, sad story indeed. Though we have been unable to confirm via the horse's mouth whether this is true or not (we called Room Service's PR rep and left a message), it wouldn't be surprising. Room Service, owned by Chris Reda of Rock Candy, is the Flatiron version of Meatpacking's PM. They both had complete idiots working their door, played vile music, and had a large eurotrash following. This actually may end up working in our favor. We need to encourage places like this to hang around and fill the void that their counterparts are leaving upon closing up shop, so that our B&T crowds will be contained in places we know to avoid already. It would be a shame to have them start running loose in the village or LES. Looks like W 14th street is about to get a little bit stinkier.