Cisco Adler and Shwayze Kick Off Their Latest Tour At Tenjune

by CARSON GRIFFITH · October 9, 2009

    [Cisco Adler, Shwayze, Zev Norotsky] Want to know what all those people who weren't sleeping and thus getting ready for the work week on Sunday night were doing? They were partying with Cisco Adler and Shwayze (and Zev Norotsky, apparently) at Tenjune. Well, those who could get in, that is. The occasion was in honor of their "Get U Home" Tour, but we have a feeling these guys don't really need much of a reason to party.

    Sponsored by Hornitos, the club was packed filled with party-goers ready to prepare themselves for the week with a... Monday morning hangover? Regardless, pretty girls, eager guys, and the ever entertaining Shwayze saddled up for a good time. Mr Mauricio provided music into the early hours, and Hornitos provided the face masks. "I'm Cisco Adler, and I've got big balls!" Oh ya, and Cisco Adler provided the commentary.