Club Cumming: Alan's New Nightlife Venture

by Natasha Przedborski · April 17, 2017

    The club of all clubs. The sex jokes of all sex jokes. Alan Cumming is giving New Yorkers exactly what we've been waiting for. According to Page Six, Club Cumming will replace Easternbloc, one of our favorite gay bars in the East Village. Don't worry, it isn't dying or anything, just undergoing a little transformation beginning in August. The owners Benjamin Maisani (Anderson Cooper's partner) and Darren Dryden are teaming up with Alan Cumming to create the best venue this city will ever see. 

    According to his rep, "Alan wants it to be a home for everyone of all ages, all genders, all sexualities, who all enjoy letting go and making some mischief. No judgments, no attitude, no rules, except kindness, acceptance and fun.” 

    We're pretty into it.

    [Photo via]