Jacob's Angels Take On Manhattan, Glorified Pimp Or Classy Promoter?

by Rachelle Hruska · November 19, 2008

    [Jacob Stovall with one of his angels. Photo via Scallywag]

    Scallywag did a fabulous expose of the inside lives of a popular model wrangler promoter.  The author spends one night out with Jacob Stovall and 14 of his "angels" as they move from Buddha bar to 1Oak where they spend time getting noticed and make these hot spots look appear to be the number one choice of the rich and beautiful in the city. My favorite line:

    It’s 11.45 p.m. and we are now being finally seated for dinner not before the manager insists on checking i.d’s before serving alcohol. Until now you could’ve been forgiven for thinking you were dealing with high society, but watching management insist on checking i.d’s gives the evening a moment of sobriety, a moment that even if we are all living this very desirable life we are somehow a little too young or out of context to enjoy it. Such thoughts quickly pass though when the millionaire mojitos and cosmos finally make it to the table.

    More story and photos below:

    Jacob may seem like a glorified pimp, but insists that his girls are different: “I know what you’re thinking,” Jacob finally turns and looks me in the eye, “but these girls are my friends, we talk everyday on the phone, catch up for coffee, watch movies. It may all look like it’s a show, but it’s not, we really like hanging out with each other.”

    The article is a must read for anyone that has used the phrase "models and bottles" or has ever been slighted by one of these big groups rolling into a club.
