P Diddy Shoot Out Joint, Club New York, To Reopen

by Mara Siegler · July 7, 2011

    Just weeks after Sean Puffy P Diddy Combs settled the civil action suit from the shooting at Club New York during  the dust-covered days when he dated  J Lo, (more specifically 1999), the shuttered nightspot is being resurrected.  Owner Michael Bergos is also looking into making the occurrences of that infamous evening into a movie. And of course, a book, reports Gatecrasher.

    Bergos, who also owns Vudu Lounge,  closed the club in 2005 but had the instantly recognizable name trademarked.  He'd settled on Bleeker Street for the new location but is continuing to look after running into problems with the community board over how late he would be allowed to serve alcohol because it didn't want another "Puff Daddy location."

    Bergos has not spoken to Diddy since 2001, but did not sign a confidentiality agreement. He's been approached to retell his story by a "Hong Kong group" for the project. Everyone cross your fingers for  Manga or some other form of anime! He tells the paper:

    "There's all sorts of stuff that the rest of the world doesn't know happened that night."

    According to what is known, the shooting took place around Christmas time. Diddy was out with Jennifer Lopez to celebrate his former protégé Jamal 'Shyne' Barrow's new record deal.  When clubber Matthew 'Scar' Allen got into it with Barrow, he pulled a gun and began to fire. Three people were hit and Diddy and J Lo left in their car, only to be pulled over and taken to the precinct. Diddy just settled out of court for over $1 million.

    [P Diddy Settles In Nightclub Shootout Suit]

    What is left untold? Did Diddy shoot someone? No, but the mogul may not be portrayed in a positive light. Bergos seems to hold a bit of a grudge, saying "Diddy "never thanked me" for convincing his security guards to testify."