How Ronnie Flynn & Dylan Hales Accidentally Ended Up Running The New York Nightlife Scene

by Guest of A Guest · June 5, 2023

    It should come as no surprise that the guys behind a handful of the city's most annoyingly cool haunts - Loosie's, and Silver Lining at the Moxy Lower Eastside, with Tao Group Hospitality, The Flower Shop, Little Ways - are also, in their own right, annoyingly cool. That's just the transitive property of good vibes, you know?

    So how did two high school friends from Australia accidentally land themselves at the top of New York's nightlife hierarchy? Curating and running the hottest doors in town? Ronnie Flynn and Dylan Hales aren't just looking for a good time, they're interested in making the right time - the right spot that's the right fit in the right place at the right moment with the right people.

    Curious what this duo recommends for getting past the door, or where you'll catch them on a night off?

    How did you both start in the hospitality industry?
    D: I’m from Australia so, back in Sydney I ran doors, worked in cafes, and hosted events before I moved to the US in 2007. I first was in Georgetown, DC and ran the Ralph Lauren Cafe but a year later moved to NYC.   

    R: I came to NYC in 2005 after studying fashion design in Australia and was pursuing work in that field, I had my own clothing brand, and just started networking in the downtown scene to get it off the ground. I was a “yes man” really, and just went to all these events and ended up connecting with different people in the industry and before long I found myself promoting, running doors, and throwing underground parties. I eventually was a part of curating and or opening places like Southside, Acne, Westway, Jane Rooftop, SoHo Grand, Up&Down, and actually co-founded NeverNever.

    What eventually brought you together here in NYC?
    D: Ronnie and I actually went to high school together so we were always running in similar circles socially but then when we both ended up in New York and we kept crossing paths because of  our friends and professionally, after we had worked on a number of pop up projects together we realized our similar work ethic and from 2015 onwards we decided we would partner full time on all future ventures where we co-own The Flower Shop, Little Ways, and work creatively with TAO Hospitality on Loosie’s and Silver Lining. 

    What is it about New York nightlife that's unlike any place in the world?
    R: It’s like Neverland, which is actually the idea behind the name for NeverNever, no one ever has to grow up. I also love that the whole nightlife/hospitality industry seems to be like a big motley crew & family here in NYC. We all know each other in one way or another and tend to support our colleagues and industry friends. 

    What's your philosophy when it comes to creating a hot spot fit for the needs of the neighborhood/location?
    D: You must know the neighborhood and the people who live and frequent the area. There’s definitely a knack that comes with experience to knowing what is lacking and what folks want more of.  

    R: Authenticity, community, and a welcoming attitude. 

    How do you always manage to curate such a cool crowd?
    D: I think our diverse network of friends and clients from all corners of the earth and walks of life has influenced the way we curate a crowd. We have always been successful at bringing fun, like minded people together because for the most part, they’re our friends. 

    R: We’ve been around the block haha!

    Any tips for always getting past the door person?
    D: Confidence, great manners, and a solid outfit. 

    R: A good positive attitude is key. Bad energy is contagious in a room so you don’t wanna come to the door with a chip on our shoulder or buzz kill vibes.

    Covid was a challenge for everyone, but especially the nightlife and restaurant industry. How did you make it through?
    D: Honestly, we knew our venues didn’t suit the outdoor dining scenario so pivoted. We hunkered down and sold merchandise and when we could, we reopened once the city allowed 50% capacity dining. 

    R: We kept our seat at the table, so to say, through grit, determination, creativity, loyalty, meditation, financial loans, and wine. 

    When you're not posted up at your own venues, where can we find you hanging out in the city?
    D: The gym, a park, wantering the downtown streets or at one of the many fine establishments that dear friends of ours own & operate. 

    R: Cruising the streets on my bike with friends or enjoying one of our friend’s venues in the city.