Banksy Leaves Us, And Kelly Cutrone, Confused

by Stanely Stuyvesant · October 27, 2008

    [Photo via Kelly Cutrone's FB Profile Picture]

    Kelly Cutrone's facebook status accompanying the photo above: "Kelly Cutrone SEES BANKSY TAG-A LITTLE TOO CLOSE TO HOME!"

    We want to give Ms. Cutrone a shout out for spotting the latest Banksy installment on Houston street, but wait a this good press or bad press?  When we schill for something we like have we actually been HURTING those that are responsible for it?  I thought there was no such thing as BAD publicity...after all, that's what Kristian Laliberte has been teaching us, right?  What do you think? Is all press good press, or is Banksy's rat onto something?