The Gift Of The Magi

by Rachelle Hruska · December 5, 2008

    Leave it to my sister, the real literary wiz of the family, to point out a short story that I nearly forgot about this year.  The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry has been a favorite of mine ever since I was forced to read it in freshman English class.  A Christmas love story that continues to be referenced in pop culture, this story is significant to any New Yorker.  It was penned by the author in 1906 at Pete's Tavern on East 18th.  Still up and running today, Pete's claims to be the oldest continuously operating tavern in New York City.

    More on Pete's Tavern and the entire Gift of the Magi below:

    Pete's Tavern has been operating as a bar since 1864. During prohibition, when selling alcohol was illegal, Pete's continued to operate disguised as a flower shop.

    The Gift of the Magi was written by O. Henry in a booth in the front part of Pete's Tavern.

    GO HERE for the full version of this magical Christmas story.

    My sister's tree at left.  Mine is on its way.