The Downfall of America's First Muse

Audrey Munson

Although nowadays, New Yorkers are privy to keeping up with the likes of the Kardashians and frequenting overpriced gyms to get a glimpse of a Hadid, the life of America's first supermodel was less about household names and a constant stream of unwarranted selfies. Audrey Munson was known for being the "most perfectly formed woman in the world" and the first star to appear fully nude on film. However, Munson's career wasn't entirely about statues in her honor and freeing the nipples. After her physician murdered his wife in hopes of instead being with her, Munson couldn't help but feel suffocated by both her career and the case. Munson dropped out of the spotlight all together and soon became the first Hollywood burnout. Munson continued to spend 60 years in a mental institution and died at the age of 104 with no burial plot in remembrance. This tragic story puts all Lindsay Lohan scandals to shame. 

[Photo via @divoonclassics]

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