The Lifestyle Guru

She's got her finger on the pulse for all the craziest holistic innovations that your yoga instructors don't even know about. Juicing marijuana? She's been doing that for years. She's not your go-to girl for a night on the town, but that doesn't mean she's not a good time! Who better to dawdle through the farmer's market with or to gossip with over bone broth lattes? Yeah, she may get up on her soapbox (crafted from refurbished driftwood found on the beaches of Monaco) to pontificate New Age nonsense, but she's there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on - just for the love of god don't use her baby alpaca throws to wipe your tears. You can't rely on her for emotional support while she's grumpy because she's on a goat milk cleanse or completely drained from an intense sweat lodge session. But when she's there for you, she's there for you 100% coddling you with dairy free delicacies and quotes that she passes off as original wisdom but you will inevitably see on Pinterest a few weeks later. 

[Photo via @gwynethpaltrow]

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