New York's New Literati: Where The Wilde Boys Are

by Daniel Reynolds · January 19, 2012

    Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? Certainly not the Wilde Boys, New York’s newly-minted, gay literary salon where looks and brains collide. The group made “Waves” of their own last fall on the cover of The Times' Fashion & Style section, which called it a “roving salon for self-described queer poets at which attendees lounge fetchingly and flirtation comes in the guise of academic one-upmanship.” Oh my!

    [Photo via]

    The Boys held their first 2012 meeting at author David McConnell’s West Chelsea brownstone, where budding literati sipped cocktails and traded cards (and appraising glances) with reporters, agents, and lawyers. And speaking of Woolf—The Hours writer Michael Cunningham was spotted slipping in just before the main event, a reading by Pulitzer-nominated poet Henri Cole, who read some teasers from his newest book, Touch, and did a Q&A moderated by Wilde founder, Alex Dimitrov.  So who’s got the golden ticket to the salon de la saison? If we’re to believe The New York Times, you’d better be pretty, published, or perish the thought.

    [Michael Cunningham]

    [Henri Cole, right]